Men plotted against UK publisher of Mohammad book

The Star

LONDON (Reuters) - Two men admitted on Tuesday plotting to firebomb the London home of the publisher of a controversial novel about the Prophet Mohammad's child bride.

Ali Beheshti, 41, and Abrar Mirza, 23, were arrested last September after an arson attack on the house in north London where Gibson Square publisher Martin Rynja lived and had an office.

'Germany's 9/11' plot trial opens

BBC News

German police guard Duesseldorf courtroom , 22/04/09

The court is hosting one of Germany's biggest terror trials in decades

A group of suspected militant Islamists has gone on trial in Germany charged with a bomb plot likened by prosecutors to the 11 September attacks in the US.

Iran Monitor

Examining the new totalitarianism

Please visit: European Foundation for Democracy

The Iran Monitor analyses developments in Iran reported in current Farsi-speaking media inside and outside of Iran under the analytical framework of the new political totalitarianism. It thus tries to increase the awareness of the Iranian regime's totalitarian state ideology and how it denies freedom, democracy and human rights to the Iranian people. The Iran Monitor is compiled by Senior Fellow Dr Wahied Wahdat-Hagh at the European Foundation for Democracy

63 detainees at Gitmo shifted to Pakistan

Pakistan Daily Times 

LAHORE: Of the 71 Pakistanis imprisoned at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, 63 have been shifted back to Pakistan while eight are still imprisoned there, according to a report by the New York Times, a private TV channel reported on Friday.

Christian journalist in hiding for refusing to convert to Islam


A Christian journalist in Pakistan has received death threats after publishing articles calling for greater democracy and for refusing to convert to Islam.

George Masih, 43, who writes for the Lahore-based newspaper Aaj Kal, wrote a number of columns which provoked the ire of Muslims.

Egypt: Church provides first conversion certificate

by Ethan Cole, Christian Post

For the first time ever, Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church issued a certificate of conversion to a believer from a Muslim background last week.


The move is unprecedented in a country where it is practically impossible for Muslims to legally change their religious status.

Written by: Diana West

Photo: Harvard Islamic chaplain Taha Abdul-Basser, '96, who believes there is "great wisdom" in the death penalty for converting from Islam.

From the Internet to the media, slowly: Yesterday's Harvard Crimson carried a story on the Harvard Islamic chaplain's support for capital punishment for Muslims who leave Islam


In Sudan, Converts from Islam Struggle to Survive

Christian woman run out of home – and beaten – while another is prohibited from leaving.

By Simba Tian

KHARTOUM, Sudan, April 13 (Compass Direct News) – When Halima Bubkier of Sinar town converted from Islam to Christianity last year, initially her husband accepted it without qualms.


“After watching the ‘Jesus Film,’ I felt I needed a change in my hopeless and meaningless life,” the 35-year-old mother of three told Compass. “I lived a life of alcoholism and lacked self control, hence tried Christianity and it worked well for me. I shared this experience with my husband, and he was quite positive about it and allowed me to attend church services.”


Scot 'in Pakistan terror arrest'

BBC News


Part of the Pakistan-Afghan border

Mr Mohammed was reportedly arrested near Pakistan's Afghan border


A Scottish Muslim convert has reportedly been arrested in Pakistan as a terror suspect.

Dundee-born James McLintock, who has changed his name to Yaqub Mohammed, is thought to have been picked up in Peshawar, near the Afghan border.

Saudi judge refuses to annul 8-year-old's marriage

A Saudi judge has refused for a second time to annul a marriage between an 8-year-old girl and a 47-year-old man, a relative of the girl told CNN.

The most recent ruling, in which the judge upheld his original verdict, was handed down Saturday in the Saudi city of Onaiza, where late last year the same judge rejected a petition from the girl's mother, who was seeking a divorce for her daughter.

Terror blunder: British universities are 'real and serious' terrorism threat

British universities have long been identified as a potential breeding ground for extremists.


Assistant Commissioner Robert Quick arriving at No 10 for a briefing with Jacqui Smith and Gordon Brown

Assistant Commissioner Robert Quick arriving at No 10 for a briefing with Jacqui Smith and Gordon Brown Photo: Steve Back

Terror raids follow files blunder, 12 terrorists arrested 

BBC News   Video Footage

Ass Com Bob Quick

The 'secret' documents clutched by Mr Quick were clearly on show 

Husband chops off wife’s nose on alleged infidelity

Pakistan News


SUKKUR: A husband cut her wife’s nose on allegations of having illicit relations with another man here in Kashmor.

Muslims attack Christian-owned shops in Alexandria


ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, April 5 (Reuters) - Hundreds of Muslims pelted Christian-owned shops and a police station with stones in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria on Sunday after a Muslim man was killed, an eyewitness said.

A security source said the violence started after word of mouth reports a Muslim man, identified as Ahmed Abdel Razeq Gomaa, had been stabbed to death in the street by his Christian landlords.

Abu Qatada 'issues jail edicts'

BBC News 

Abu Qatada
Abu Qatada has been involved in a long legal battle







Radical Islamic cleric Abu Qatada has been issuing messages to his followers from his British jail cell, according to anti-extremism researchers.

Workers cleaning out a house in Mt. Washington called police when they found a device with what looked like pipe bombs with wires and nails attached.


"It looked exactly like somebody would wear in a suicide bomber-type of scene or suicide bomber- type of incident," said Sheldon Williams, of the Pittsburgh police bomb squad.

Religious police arrest famous actors, because men and women were performing together

Asia News 


The muttawa raids a hotel where a popular television series was being filmed. The actors have been released on bail, and one woman has been subjected to a moral education session. There is sharp division in the country between the fundamentalist religious leaders and those who want more freedom.


Bahais accused of links to world Zionism

Egyptian villagers torch "deviant" Bahai homes

Extra police drafted in to protect Bahais from angry villagers (File)
Extra police drafted in to protect Bahais from angry villagers (File)


In the latest outburst of religious tensions in Egypt, dozens of villagers set fire to Bahai homes after hearing on television that the village was "full of Bahais," reports said Thursday.

Angry villagers rampaged through Sharoniyah, in southern Egypt, on Monday and Tuesday, setting fire to and damaging four Bahai homes, a security official told AFP, asking not to be named.

Woman sentenced for jihad leaflet


Jihadist militants
The leaflet contained theological, political and historical commentary








A woman who wrote a leaflet encouraging people to carry out jihad, or holy war, has been sentenced to a community order at Manchester Crown Court.

Shella Roma, 29, of Oldham, had pleaded guilty to dissemination of a terrorist publication, and received a three-year order, with supervision for two years.

Al Qaeda-trained Britons return from Pakistan

More than 20 Britons who have trained in al Qaeda terror camps inside Pakistan have returned to Britain, according to Pakistani intelligence.

The Britons, whose families are from Pakistan, were monitored by Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence agency, Sky News reported. But the ISI failed to notify British intelligence until after the men entered the country, the news agency reported.

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