Cleric 'meat' remarks spark fury

Source CNN

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- One of Australia's senior-most Islamic clerics has triggered outrage after comments reported Thursday comparing women who do not wear a headscarf to "uncovered meat" who invite rape.

Sheik Taj Aldin al Hilali denied he was condoning rape when he made the comments in a sermon last month, and said Australian women were free to dress as they wished.

Bin LadenThe UK government is so concerned about al-Qaeda's methods of internet propaganda

that it has commissioned a daily report.

The increasingly hi-tech extremist propaganda is aimed at radicalising young Muslims. Frank Gardner reports.


Source BBC

Bakri's son seized with £13k at airport

bakrySource AOL News

Exiled Islamic cleric Omar Bakri has insisted that £13,000 seized from his son by anti-terror police at Heathrow Airport was a gift from friends.

Speaking from his mother's home in Beirut, Lebanon, the preacher said the money was "clean" and that he expected it to be returned within weeks.

Freezing Terrorist Money- Another UK Failure


 In the past, we have raised several cases of individuals or entities bypassing UN sanctions and assets freezing measures.


 Taliban Says UK Is A Target


Source Sky News


 A Taliban commander has told Sky News the militants are plotting to attack Westerners in Britain and the rest of Europe. In an exclusive interview he insisted militants had stockpiles of weapons and many are taking refuge in Pakistan.


Source AKI

Cairo, 17 Oct (AKI) - The row over the wearing of the niqab, the Islamic veil showing eyes only, recently banned in the female dormitories at Cairo University on security grounds, shows no signs of abating. Street protests, debates in local newspapers and on television, added to the complainy of a well known Islamic preacher have further fueled the controversy.

How radical Islamic charities exploit their access to the prison system.

Source Weekly Standard 

BEFORE ENTERING THE COUNTERTERRORISM FIELD, I worked for a radical Islamic charity called the Al Haramain Islamic Foundation. In this capacity, I gained some familiarity with the kind of Islamic extremist literature that often finds its way into the U.S. prison system and thus influences inmates' religious education.

Captured Taleban say they were sent to fight by Pakistani mullahs
(AFP) Khalig Times

BARMAL, Afghanistan - Handcuffed and weary, three confessed Taleban fighters told this week how they crossed into Afghanistan from Pakistan to carry out a “jihad” against troops after mullahs said it was their duty as Muslims.

A Swiss intelligence informant confirms links between Ayman Al Zawahiri and the Ramadan brothers

According to a former informant for the Swiss intelligence who claims to have been recruited to infiltrate the Islamic Center of Geneva, managed by members of the Ramadan family, including Hani and Tariq, Ayman Al Zawahiri attended two meetings there in Geneva in March 1991.

Turkish youths turning to Radical Islam


 terror report


The continued radicalisation of especially young Muslims remains concerning, the national anti-terrorism co-ordination office NCTb said on Monday. The NCTb also said it was "remarkable" that a rising number of Turkish youths were finding their way into networks of radical Muslims prepared to use violence against western society.

Non-Muslim students at Islamic school forced to wear headscarves

hejab schoolsSource Daily Mail 

The hijab: Non-Muslim girls attending an Islamic school will have no choice but to wear headscarves.


Female students at a new Islamic school will be made to wear head scarves regardless of their religion, it was revealed yesterday.  

From BBC Radio

Robert Spencer and Iyaan Hirsi Ali in the radio debate

The controversy about about the Muslim veil or niqab continues in Britain: why are so many young women taking to the veil?

Is it piety, feminism or radicalism, or perhaps all of these things? Why are politicians worried about it?

Is it a sign of the increasing separation of the Muslim community from the rest of Britain, or are the political classes themselves to blame for failing to integrate Muslim women into society.

Politics UK explores the problems and challenges behind the veil

Britain says Pakistan is hiding Taliban chief

Source Times on Line 

Christina Lamb, Kabul

THE British general commanding Nato troops in Afghanistan is to confront Pakistan’s president over his country’s support for the Taliban.

Among the evidence amassed is the address of the Taliban’s leader in a Pakistani city.Lieutenant-General David Richards will fly to Islamabad tomorrow to try to persuade Pervez Musharraf to rein in his military intelligence service, which Richards believes is training Taliban fighters to attack British troops.

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood denounces what it calls 'new Danish insults' to Islam

The Associated Press  CAIRO, Egypt Egypt's largest Islamic group, the Muslim Brotherhood, on Saturday denounced what it called "new Danish insults" to Islam and urged the world to boycott countries that allow offenses to all religions.  

Radicals Target Students in UK

Souce Sky News

October 05, 2006


 A year after the publication of a damning report into Islamic radicalisation among students, Britain's universities have been accused of burying their heads in the sand.

Professor Anthony Glees says many vice-chancellors are still failing to confront the issue.

His claim comes 12 months after he named 24 universities where he said extremist groups had been detected.


UK woman 18, charged over 'bombs plan' 

Source BBC 

An 18-year-old woman has been charged in connection with last summer's alleged attempted bombings in London.


 She is accused of helping Yassin Omar, one of six men facing trial over the 21 July alleged incident, evade arrest.

Roots of Jidad:From Said Kotb to Zwahiri


said kotb




Suspected Egyptian terrorist detained without charge still a threat, govt says


Colin Perkel, Canadian Press

Published: Wednesday, October 04, 2006  TORONTO (CP) - An Egyptian refugee claimant detained for five years without charge as a suspected terrorist ought to remain behind bars because he still poses a critical threat to public safety, a government lawyer said Tuesday.

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