Summer Time


A good time for R&R and a lot more

by Ed Rizkalla

As summer days pass by, many take time off for rest and recreation (R&R). Summer time brings back fond memories of growing up in Egypt and summer vacations at “Ras al-Bar”. Ras al-Bar used to be a quaint summer-vacation town, located on the northern sea shores of Egypt, close by the city of Damietta.

However, the enemy of all goodness, Satan, has stirred divisions amongst the people of Egypt and planted animosity against the Copts. Shortly after 1970, after Sadat became a president he freed fanatic Muslim militants, who were imprisoned by Nasser. Many of these fanatics turned into Most of our vacations were taken during the month of August, in which the Christians of Egypt, the Copts, tend to observe the popular fasting of the Virgin Saint Mary. Local business people at Ras al-Bar were familiar with the Copts’ dietary fasting requirements, and most used to offer special food fares to satisfy the Copts on vacation there. The writer recalls many acquaintances and some friendships among the local shopkeepers, most of whom were Muslims. In fact some Muslims used to observe the fasting of Saint Mary, alongside their Coptic compatriots. This should not come as a surprise, as it was well-known among them, that Muslims who visited Coptic Churches seeking healing from diverse diseases were often healed through the intercessions of the Virgin Saint Mary.

propagandists pursued a campaign to divide the world into Muslim believers and non-Muslim unbelievers, in the case of Egypt castigated the Christian Copts as unbelievers.  John H. Watson (1) in his book “Among the Copts” provided an account for the resurgence of militant Islamic violence against the Copts of Egypt. For example, he recounted the murder of Father Raafat Khalil, a young Coptic priest, who was shot by militant Islamic gunmen at the doors of his local church in November 1988. He further noted that for the most part the policy and actions of the Egyptian government seem to have failed its Coptic citizens. Youssef Ibrahim (2) notes in May 2010 that “in the past 40 years, the number of (Coptic) victims has soared to more than 20,000, if the count includes those killed, wounded, dispossessed, or otherwise harmed, according to human rights groups.” Tarek Heggy (3), a prominent Muslim writer, notes in July 2010 “In Egypt, the Copts are being denied access to certain high positions, deprived from the freedom to build new churches, and suffering from increasing suffocating fanaticism coming from all directions.” He further indicates that “Copts suffer from a public atmosphere of fanaticism characterized by severe animosity towards them.”              

It is sad to witness the changes which have taken place in Egypt over the past few decades and the increasing challenges which the Copts of Egypt continue to face. However in the midst of these challenges, Christ Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Contemporary Copts, as well as Christians all over the world at all times, can be confident in His promise “I am with you always to the close of the age.” Christ has sent several celestial apparitions of His mother the Virgin Saint Mary to comfort the beleaguered Copts of Egypt.  A major celestial apparition of the Virgin Saint Mary started in April 1968 at her Church at al-Zeiton, Cairo, Egypt. Night-time apparitions lasted for a little over a year, and were witnessed by tens of thousands of Copts and Muslims (4). By way of recent example, another celestial apparition of the Virgin Saint Mary occurred in late 2009, and was again witnessed by tens of thousands of Egyptians- Muslims and Copts - at the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church located at al-Warak, Giza, Egypt. A Muslim eyewitness, Mr. Hassan Ahmed, took a vivid video of the apparition and shared it with the news media.  


Should these repeated celestial apparitions of the Virgin Saint Mary have been witnessed by Christians only, it could have been argued by detractors that they were mere unsubstantiated claims, mass hysteria, optical illusions or perhaps acts of deception. However they have been witnessed by tens of thousands of Muslims who have no reason to believe let alone testify to the truth of Christian-related events. They beg a basic question for peoples all over the world. If God does not really exist or if he exists but does care about mankind, these celestial apparitions could not have taken place. Also, only apparitions of the mother of Jesus Christ have taken place, with none witnessed which might be associated with any other belief, unbelief, philosophy or ideology. This fact points to Jesus Christ, as the only one who has power over the dead. Jesus Christ and only Jesus alone could send a woman who died some 2000 years ago to appear in heavenly glory to tens of thousands of people. These apparitions bring into focus the very notions of the existence of God, the truth of Jesus Christ, and God’s love and care for mankind. In the writer’s belief they provide heavenly signs to both believers and unbelievers about God’s love for all mankind and the truth of Jesus Christ. 

Summer time is a good time for rest, recreation and rejuvenation of body, mind, and spirit. It also provides a window of opportunity for people seeking enlightenment, or more precisely true enlightenment.  Only the truth, not suppositions, can bring about true enlightenment. If you have not acknowledged Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please do not tarry. Jesus continues to reach out to you to grant you rest, peace, and eternal life. 

Let us join our hearts and minds in prayer to thank and praise, the ONE True Triune God of all creation. Let us pray for the salvation of peoples all over the world, and that God may grant peace to His church and people in Egypt and peoples all over the world. The peace of the Lord is with you all.


Irene Passe.            





(1) Among the Copts, by John H. Watson, Sussex Academic Press, Great Britain, 2000

(2) Killing of Egypt’s Christians Escalate in Ghastly Slaughter Nearly Ignored in The West, by Youssef Ibrahim the Sunday Times, May 19, 2010.

(3) The Tragedy of Egypt’s Copts, by Tarek Heggy, July 28, 2010, US Copts website

(4) The apparition of the Pure Lady the Virgin at the church of Zeiton


Ed Rizkalla is a management consultant and a freelance writer. He is the founder of Pharos on the Potomac Group (POPG). POPG is a non-profit organization at Annandale, VA.

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