

How to defeat radical Islam

$100 million Saudi dollars are available for the building of a Mosque near ground zero. That money is not available if the price of oil is $25 per barrel instead of $70 per barrel. Billions of Middle East dollars are buying media interests around the world to influence people’s perception of Islam. That money was not available in the early nineties when oil was $25 per barrel. The simplest and most cost effective way to stop the spread of radical Islam (and Islam in general) is to reduce our dependence on oil, period.

The USA currently spends $685 billion per year on its military. In my opinion, it is money well spent. However, the most effective weapon against America’s greatest enemy today is the price of oil. And the single most effective way to lower the price of oil is to spend money on the establishment of alternative energy infrastructure and technological advancement. If America funneled $100 billion per year into a combination of alternative energy infrastructure and research I believe it could effectively half the price of oil (in real dollars) within five years. And that would do more damage to our enemies than any other weapon in America’s mighty arsenal. Since America is bankrupt this money would have to come from existing programs (perhaps the military budget itself). Lefties would jump on board because it would jive with their phony AGW scam.

Much as the US interstate developments in the 1950′s united America and laid the groundwork for economic expansion, a project like this could serve multiple purposes of energy security, national security, and environmental sustainability. It also has the added benefit that nobody has to die on sandy soil.