
Islamic Terror continues: Politicians Play chesse and Sip Tea with the same islamists that taunt us!!!!!!!!!!!

By Ibby Zaky

During the last few years, western leaders have elected the easy road and attained a reputation of engaging with Islamists out of fear of confronting them or becoming subject to a fatwa.

They foolishly consider it is good tact to engage with Islamists from groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and now al-Qaeda. They do this with no concept of the all encompassing ideologies of Islam which includes lying to the infidels.

You ask why or how could our leaders do such a thing???   

Simply because they do not have the fortitude or conviction to tackle the problems head on they rather say “it is not in our interests or theirs for terrorists to mount another attack”

The amazing thing is the Muslim Brotherhood, and majority of the Muslim world celebrated with delight and enthusiasm when the Twin towers were attacked and 3000 people lost their lives for absolutely no reason on 9/11.

Has this engagement with Islamists made the world a safer place?     


Today 30/10/2010 cargo planes have been grounded as it was discovered they contained “BOMBS” disguised as parcels and addressed to Jewish Synagogues in Chicago.                           

Reality is engaging with Islamists is a waste of time.

One must ask,   

Why does YEMEN allow Islamists to flourish and organize terrorist attacks with in its borders? What is Yemen doing to actively Hunt these barbaric radical Islamic DOGS down?   The answer to both questions is nothing at all, Yemen in fact has the highest rate of Child brides in the world. Young girls butchered by Islamic men satisfying their sexual urges, all with the blessings of an Islamic state.                                                                        

With all the laws, bylaws, and restrictions in the Koran, DID ALLAH forget to impose a punishment and duty for Muslims to deal with Unruly Muslims?  


are these terrorists acting in accordance with the Koran and the blessing of the Muslim nation they hide in?  Sadly the KORAN compels them to execute such vile acts.

Islam is a shambles, a confusion, a contradiction and oxymoron, and very far from the “perfect word of God”, that Muslims foolishly claim it to be.  It is the perfect word of Satan………….

Islam as contained in the terror manual known as the Koran is a mega shopping store that caters for the needs of every type of Muslim, from the passive to the terrorist, the monogamous to the polygamist pedophile.

At the same time our ignorant and pathetic governments want us to respect and tolerate this ticking time bomb whilst it converts our nations to Islamic states by stealth and the curse of political correctness.  GOD HELP US

The most troubling aspect of this course is that it only serves to empower Islamists. Whilst the politicians play cheese with the Islamists, try on their garments, toke on a shisha and sip coffee, the Islamists outsmart them and subtly Islamize the nations and introduce shariah by stealth.

This course of action will NOT stop jihadists blowing up middle-class white people on planes, trains and buses in western capitals. These pathetic governments are selling out their own citizens to religious fascists by empowering Islamists who want to dictate every aspect of ordinary person’s social, political, private, military, financial and spiritual lives.

These Politicians seemingly believe that security for non Muslims is best achieved through empowering Islamists from pro-jihadist, anti-Semitic radical groups.

These very same groups our politicians engage with fully adhere to the satanic verses of the unholy Koran,  and also believe in beating Muslim women into a bloody submission, marital rape, killing Christians, Jews,  children , hunting down apostates,  child brides, polygamy, honour killings, stonings, death sentences in addition to blowing up ordinary non- Muslims in America, Spain, London, Bali and attempts in Australia ........the list goes on and on.

For instance by arguing that hard-line Islamists groups and the west are progressive and have ‘common values’ while also arguing that Islamists are so influential and powerful that we must engage with them or risk jihadist attacks, is an insult to our intelligence and sweeping the problem under the carpet for the next government to deal with.

We are told that, ‘Islamist parties are frequently more vocal in their support for democracy than their secular counterparts’ and that they have even ‘demonstrated their willingness to share political power by entering into alliances with other -often secular – opposition groups in an effort to achieve their goals’.  At the same time, the Islamists’ pursue Shariah, world domination and continue in their barbaric acts of violence.

Reality is the Islamists have outsmarted and outwitted our so called educated western leaders.

Whilst these leaders pussy foot around with them and are tied up spending millions of man hours and trillions of dollars and countless lives on the war on terror, (more correctly the war on radical perverted Islam), the islamists happily continue to terrorize the world and hold them to ransom.

Egypt’s Coptic Christians have complained about their experience of discrimination and harassment at the hands of the state and of radical Islamic groups for centuries, now they have the Muslim Brotherhood specifically attempting to annihilate the Copts.  This highlights the absurd double standards of Islam, “do not treat me in your country as I will treat you in my Islamic country”.

Egyptian Copts who are desperately worried about the Muslim Brotherhood’s aggressive and bullying tactics have seen it escalate to an absurd level over the last few months, with mass demonstrations, calls for bloodshed, and abuse and slander of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III.

‘The Copts have very valid and specific reasons to fear the Muslim Brotherhood. First is the Muslim Brotherhood’s current slogan “Islam is the solution” in the upcoming Nov 2010 elections.

This is preceded by the racist declarations against the Copts, a famous fatwa (a legal pronouncement in Islam) prohibited the construction of new churches in Egypt. The fatwa was published in Al-Dawaa magazine, which speaks for the Muslim Brotherhood, in December 1980, and was issued by Mohammed Al-Khatib who was, and still is, a member of the guidance council of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. Twenty-five years later, the Muslim Brotherhood still acknowledges the validity of this fatwa.’  Yet our educated western leaders elect to ignore these facts whilst at the same time engaging in a game of appeasement with the radical Islamists such as the Muslim brotherhood, (which has branches in 70 COUNTRIES world wide, yes 70 countries, including CAIR in the USA and branches in Australia.

It is no secret that many Copts fear the Muslim Brotherhoods relentless aim to destroy the Coptic religion established in Egypt in 68AD by the apostle Saint Mark.

Our Leaders need to very carefully and closely examine what happens to any country where Islam gains dominance, look at Egypt as an example, it was once a 100% Christian country, now it is sadly a 90% Muslim third world backward country.

The Muslim Brotherhood has succeeded in a stealth “religious assimilation,” of the Copts.                 The Brotherhood pushes for the religious assimilation of the Coptic minority through a gradual desertion of their faith,  forced conversions, abduction, rape, cessation of construction or repairs to churches and monasteries , loss of their cultural and religious identity as it melts into the majority’s Islamic culture. Most recently the retarded uneducated leaders of the MB and Al Zahra Islamic group had the audacity to announce the Arab Muslims are the true natives of Egypt and the Copts are but mere guests in an Islamic state. Not only did Islam pervert the Holy Bible and the Torah, now they are re writing history books to suit their status. I suppose this makes Mohammed happy, is he taught them that Lying is acceptable to Allah so as to deceive the infidels. ( I Know it all sounds like a bad horror movie, sadly it is reality)

If you think there is any exaggeration, Can you Imagine a society where the following actually happened,                                                                                                                                                              

In 2009 two Muslim Brotherhood lawyers attacked a female Coptic lawyer outside an Egyptian court, tearing her clothes off, sexually molesting her and beating her unconscious. Her crime was she had the audacity to file a lawsuit against another Muslim Brotherhood lawyer who had also physically attacked her the previous morning. Yes this barbaric act reflects the mindset of the Muslim brotherhood and their belief they are above any law and will only comply with Shariah as interpreted by THEM. (What a sick bunch of prehistoric draconian Mohammed following Islamists, pig eating dogs.)

What are the  ‘moderate’ Islamist groups?    

What are they doing about the radical Muslims?     

They do nothing except say, this is not Islam, yet when some one speaks out against Islam, the moderate Muslims all cry foul.

It is all double Dutch bullshit.

Groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Taliban, are active ISLAMIC ARMIES threatening the world in the most cowardly and underhanded manner. They do not have the courage to go out on a battle field and fight like warriors, instead they hijack planes, mail bombs, prey on the stupid to commit suicide bombngs, and hide amongst civilians.   

They are yellow bellied worthless snakes that do not have the fortitude, courage or BALLS to come out and declare war in an appropriate forum, they prefer to follow the path of the terrorist, rapist, murder, pedophile  Mohammed, they call the great man.

If there is such a thing as a true moderate Islamists movement, it is time for them to reclaim their religion and openly fight the jihadists and terrorists openly denouncing their use of islam to justify their evil acts. Any thing less than this is unacceptable and makes all Muslims complicit in the terrorist acts.

Claims that Islamists ‘occupying a middle ground between authoritarian regimes and violent jihadists can only be taken seriously when the moderates actively hunt down and deal with the Jihadists. What we do have is the Moderates adding insult to injury in their pursuit of a Mosque at ground Zero.

Look at Lebanon, why is there no peace, because of Hezbollah’s desire to continue warring with Israel and turn Lebanon into another Islamic state.  Palestine is in the same boat, Hamas a radical terrorist organization terrorizing their own people because they love war and want to establish yet another Islamic state. Reality is Islam is the barrier to peace in the Middle East, their intent on destroying the Jewish state of Israel that tolerates a 20% Arab Islamic population within its own borders.

These two radical sects are closely affiliated with the barbaric Muslim Brotherhood.

Western leaders don’t care if Arab or Muslim women are beaten for defying religious or social mores, if religious minorities are persecuted by Islamist ‘activists’ or if the Middle East’s present dictatorships are replaced by equally fascist Islamist ones. They just don’t understand the mindset of the barbaric Arab Muslims that revert to the Koran to justify their evil deeds as taught by Satan Allah to Mohammed.


Ibby Zaky