

Worning to the Copts

English Translation: Islamic State of Iraq statement warning and grace of the Egyptian Christian Church  

Islamic State of Iraq statement warning and grace of the Egyptian Christian Church

In the name of God the Merciful

Almighty says: {and do not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion if they could} [Baqarah: verse 217].

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions .. After: 

Fbtoger of the War Department Islamic State of Iraq, and support our sisters Muslim vulnerable prisoners in the land of Egypt, Muslim, and after planning and careful selection, sheds a group angry with the friends of Allah the Mujahideen, the Walker unclean from the nests of polytheism, which has long taken by the Christians of Iraq, the seat of war, the religion of Islam and Irsada those who fought, Vtmknua the grace of God and from the families of the meeting and in full control of the entrances, 

The Mujahideen in the Islamic State of Iraq wait around for the Church of Egypt Christian warrior and the head of kufr (down eight and forty hours), to indicate if the sisters in religion, Almosurat in prisons, monasteries, infidelity and the churches of polytheism in Egypt, and release them all of them, and the announcement through the news media up to the mujahideen in grace period,

And includes this warning from the his grip the mind of the heads of Christians and their churches and their organizations in the country in the world, who have an impact on the church fight and to pressure it, otherwise you will not hesitate to Youth Unification - The Althvo belts devices - in the liquidation of the prisoners warlords of Iraq's Christians, and open them after that in this country and other doors shall perish, God willing, Khaddraihm break the thorn and require little of God, written on them, and make them an example to all of an archetype of Satan venesection from the religion of God and dared to book and the Prophet peace be upon him and symptoms of Muslims and their rituals .. {Want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, though the Unbelievers may detest} [Grade: 8]. 

It should be noted detest Christians of all denominations and bee who Suddenly this religion Aziz weakness affiliated with it, Vtmalo the war against Islam, and the making of the book of God and a person Messenger peace be upon him object of contempt and ridicule, that the time of humiliation is gone forever, and that of Islam, men filled with faith in their hearts, So they, without the religion of Allah Nhoarham, The Hunt for God's sake their blood, and they see these impurities and the like of them hate, even after a while, Fraip Islam to be raised, and the religion of Mohammed to be apparent however much the idolaters and hypocrites: {it is Who sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, however much the idolaters} [Grade: 8-9].