Jack Straw , Ex UK Foreign Secretary veil comments spark Muslim anger

Source BBC

strawJack Straw, the ex-foreign secretary, has angered Muslim groups by suggesting women who wear veils can make relations between communities more difficult.  

The Blackburn MP says the veil is a "visible statement of separation and of difference" and he asks women visiting his surgery to consider removing it.


The Islamic Human Rights Commission said the Commons leader's request was selective discrimination.

Ban Muslim ghettos, says Cameron


Source Daily Mail



David Cameron: Steering Tory immigration policy in a new direction

 David Cameron today vowed to break up Muslim ghettos in Britain's cities.

The Tory leader said Islamic schools should in future admit a quarter of their pupils from other faiths. And he said that housing estates should be planned to avoid creating isolated communities.


Egyptian professor under clerical fire for 'disparaging' Quran


By Ramadan Al Sherbini, Correspondent 

Gulf News 

Cairo: An Egyptian university professor has angered Muslim clerics for his slur against the Holy Quran.


Hassan Hanafi, a professor of philosophy, has reportedly likened the Muslims' holy scriptures to a "supermarket from which we can take what suits us and leave what does not suit us".

London Metropolitan Police backs off over Muslim protests
By John Steele,

Source: Daily Telegraph

Crime Correspondent(Filed: 29/09/2006) 

No criminal offences were committed in a Muslim protest over the Pope outside Westminster Cathedral, police have decided.The Metropolitan Police has also decided not to take action against the controversial Muslim figure, Anjem Choudary, who allegedly said in a television interview about the row over the Pope that anyone who insulted the Muslim faith would be "subject to capital punishment".

Unelected quango to decide on controversial mega-mosque for Olympic site

Daily Mail

 27th September 2006

 The final decision on a controversial £100 million 'Islamic village' in east London, accommodating up to 70,000 worshippers, will be made by an unelected quango.  

Hosni Mubarak should call Benedict XVI.
Source Opinion Journal


Friday, September 22, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT


Who says the world lacks leaders? After again expressing his "respect" for Islam, Pope Benedict XVI at his weekly Vatican audience two days ago moved one of his knights forward on the global chessboard of Islamic politics

Blair rejects blame for terrorism 

tony blairThe war on terror will not be won unless people stop blaming UK foreign policy for causing it, Prime Minister Tony Blair told Labour delegates. In his last conference speech to the party, he argued that to retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan now would "put our future security in the deepest peril".

Religious police ban cats and dogs

Source The Independant

By Donna Abu-Nasr in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia's religious police, the Muttawa, are normally tasked with chiding women to cover themselves and ensuring men attend mosque. Now they are turning to a new target: cats and dogs. They have issued a decree banning the sale of the pets, seen as a sign of Western influence.

Convert who calls for Islamic state

The Times

THE scene was peculiarly British. In an old cricket pavilion adorned with photographs of long-forgotten Essex batsmen, the Home Secretary was making much of being descended from an oil-and-water mix of Irish Catholics and Scottish Presbyterians, and of his ability to think on the dual level of being Scottish and British at the same time.

The Pope must die, says Muslim


Last updated at 12:33pm on 18th September 2006  

A notorious Muslim extremist told a demonstration in London yesterday that the Pope should face execution. Anjem Choudary said those who insulted Islam would be "subject to capital punishment".

Pope Benedict's long mission to confront radical Islam
This is not the first time the pontiff has spoken out on the links between fundamentalism and terrorism

John Hooper in Rome
Sunday September 17, 2006
Four days into his reign, Pope Benedict called the journalists who had been covering his election to what was billed as a press conference.

(SEPTEMBER 9-14, 2006)

(SEPTEMBER 9-14, 2006)

 "Pope Nenedict XVI has appologisd for any offence caused by misunderstanding and an explanation that he was quoting a 14 th century empror to illustrate that spreading faith by violence is against God's reason".


 muslim demoThreat of up to two million Muslim terrorists, warns community leader

By Steve DoughtySource Daily Mail 

Britain will face have to deal with up to two million Islamic terrorists unless there is an end to 'demonising' of Muslims, the leader of the most influential Muslim organisation has said.




Muslim fury after bikini model claimed to be Pakistan's entry

pakistani pikiniA prize winning bikini contest model who claimed she was the Pakistani representative has sparked outrage in the predominantly muslim country.


Stunning Mariyah Moten, 22, won the 'Best in Media' title - for being the most photographed and interviewed contestant - at the pageant in the Chinese resort of Beihai.


police of londonFour terror suspects visited extremist campsSource

“The Daily Mail”4th September 2006  

Four of the 14 men arrested for allegedly recruiting young terrorists in Britain visited extremist camps in North Africa while under police surveillance, it has emerged.

Police believe the quartet met radical Islamic jihadists in Algeria, Morocco or Tunisia, which are all hotbeds of fanaticism.

Bush warns of Iraqi caliphate 

bushBy Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush vowed on Tuesday to prevent al Qaeda from setting up a violent, radical Islamic empire based in Iraq, which he said was Osama bin Laden's ultimate goal.

"We know what the terrorists intend to do because they've told us -- and we need to take their words seriously," Bush said in a speech liberally laced with quotes from bin Laden, architect of the September 11 attacks five years ago which killed around 3,000 people

Desperate flight of failed British suicide bomber

Daily Telegraph 6/9/06
By Nick Britten

Britain's fiest suicide bomber fought with locals, escaped being held at knife point and evaded a huge police manhunt after his mission to blow up a cafe failed, an inquest heard yesterday.

  Attempts by Omar Sharif to escape justice after his botched attack in Israel were disclosed for the first time

Anti-terror police get more questioning time

islam schoolPolice have been given more time to question 14 men arrested in anti-terror raids in London.

The Metropolitan Police were granted warrants to further detain three of the suspects until Wednesday.Scotland Yard said the remaining 11 suspects could be questioned until Friday.The arrested men, aged from 17 to 48 years, were detained in the capital at the weekend under the Terrorism Act 2000 after months of surveillance involving Scotland Yard's Anti-Terrorist branch and MI5.  


police swoopTerror police swoop on restaurantBBC News 

Armed police have arrested 14 men following anti-terror raids in London, including 12 arrests at a restaurant in the Borough area.


Two people were held elsewhere in the city in what police said was an intelligence-led operation.


Police said the arrests were not connected to the alleged transatlantic jet bomb plot or the 7 July attacks.

 An Islamic school near Tunbridge Wells has also been searched as part of the same operation.

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