Muslims Stage Demo Outside Police Station in UK 

Life Style Extra  

Islamic supporters of six Muslims arrested in London earlier this week today staged a rowdy demonstration outside the top security police station where they are being held. 


Egyptian security arrest a dozen Brotherhood members, including two lawmakers 

The Associated  

CAIRO, Egypt: Police on Sunday arrested at least a dozen members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group, including two lawmakers, as part of Egypt's ongoing campaign against the country's strongest opposition group, the government and the group reported. 

Florida doctor accused of being al-Qaeda volunteer 


A Florida doctor accused of swearing allegiance to al Qaeda and agreeing to treat wounded militants has been unfairly ensnared in the scheme of a longtime friend, a defense lawyer argued on Wednesday.   



Cairo, 26 April (AKI) - The ten Egyptian Coptic Christians, who after having converted to Islam decided to return to their original faith, will remain Muslims at least on paper for the rest of their lives. A Cairo court has ruled that the ministry of the interior is not obliged to issue them new identity documents. The question of religious belief in Egypt often presents itself as an adminsitrative rather than a spiritual issue given that every Egyptian has an ID card which states his or her religion.  

Egyptian students excel in Cambridge Exams outperforming students across the globe 


University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), the world's largest provider of international qualifications for 14 to 19 year olds, recently held a forum in Cairo for the principals of national and international schools in Egypt that offer Cambridge IGCSE.  

'Egyptian sex god' alibi yet to convince jury 

AN alleged child rapist who claimed to be possessed by an ancient Egyptian sex god will face a retrial after a jury was unable to reach a verdict this week. 

Italy asks Muslim groups to join 'values charter' 


ROME --  Italy's interior ministry has published a "values charter" for religious minorities that promotes integration while shunning polygamy and the wearing of face-concealing veils.  

Guilty Bible Reader rapist's sick ploy 

Daily Telegraph 

 THE man found guilty of raping a woman as punishment for reading the Bible lured her to his unit by claiming he had news of her family overseas. 

In a case that has stunned Sydney, Muslim Abdul Reda al-Shawany was today found guilty of sexually assaulting the then-Muslim mother of four - a refugee from the Middle East who had left her children and husband behind - for her "insult" to Islam. 

The child slaves of Saudi Arabia   

 BBC News 

Ali was beaten up for initially refusing to beg  On the wealthy streets of Jeddah, in Saudi Arabia, thousands of young child-beggars, under the auspices of ruthless gangmasters, are simply trying to survive.

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